Spring Flowers

With all the grey, dreary weather we’ve been having recently I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone that April showers really do bring May flowers.

I love, love, love flowers and over the past few years have taken a strange interest in arranging them- to the point where I thought to myself if I ever have some free time I would take a flower-arranging class. (I realize that I am seventy-five years old.)

So even though it might be a little too early for those May flowers, here are some other ones to brighten up your day. (Excuse all the bad photos. They get better as the post goes on, I swear.

sheilaschristmasflowersMy mom went to a Christmas dinner and asked me if I could put together a bouquet to take for the hostess. As you can imagine, I was only too happy to oblige.

funeralflowersThree funeral bouquets I put together a couple of years ago. I didn’t want them to be too traditional so I added some pops of colour to keep things happy.

alisonsflowerarrangementIn my line of work I end up being given all sorts of strange tasks, including creating a fall arrangement for a dinner party using clippings from a client’s garden. This is what I came up with.

artshowcookiesAnd sometimes it’s just fun to play with flower shapes too. Happy Spring!

KBwB-Flower-50Interested in seeing more of my amateur photography? (I get better as I go, I swear.) You’ll find gratuitous baking photos and selfies with my dog on my Instagram.

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