Winter 2015 Reading List

KBB_winter2015readinglistThere’s something about the season of winter that is so perfect for reading. When the excitement of the holidays is over and all that remains is inhospitable weather until the spring, the lure of getting lost in a good book is irresistible. I have many fond memories of my childhood of curling up with a good book with my feet propped up on the radiator that lay just beside my bed. The radiator lay underneath an ancient window that I left open just a crack to let the winter wind howl through so I could snuggle down underneath a blanket and reading about other lands, loves won and lost, lessons learned.

I almost wish I had taken some more vacation days so I could take the time to soak up all the books that are still waiting in my “to-read” pile, plus a juicy stack that was loaned to me by my sister (who is a voracious reader). I’m including a longer list this season as I had fully intended on sharing my fall picks with you. The time got away with me though, and some impromptu clients just before the holiday kept me away from my ever-growing pile of books to read. Here are just eight of them I hope to finish by spring:

  1. Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann
  2. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
  3. Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver
  4. Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O’Neill
  5. The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway
  6. Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight
  7. The Book Thief by Markus Zušak
  8. The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty


Psst- wanna see which books have previously graced my bookshelves? Click here. Want even more fun reading recommendations? I’ve got some for you here. Don’t forget to find me on Goodreads so we can snoop each other’s bookshelves and dish about our favourites.

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